DOM - Creating Documents

Leigh Dodds ldodds at
Thu Apr 22 18:15:40 BST 1999

> Interesting if nothing else for the sheer variety of different ways of
> achieving the same thing! Note some of these allow you to select 
> your parser first, others don't.

It certainly demonstrates the neatness of a well-defined interface, 
as all that implementation specific complexity is hidden behind the 
small signature of the build() method.

But that said, each of the listed methods presuppose the availability 
of an existing document, correct? Whereas I was initially concerned 
about the inability to generate a completely *new* document, but 
it has been demonstrated to me that this involves some implementation 
specific bootstrapping. And from the later discussions all I gather 
the W3C *could* specify is some standard registry/property keys/values 
that would feed into this bootstrapping mechanism. Would that 
be a fair assessment of the situation?



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