ATTN: Please comment on XHTML (before it's too late)

Paul Prescod paul at
Sun Aug 29 20:03:46 BST 1999

David Megginson wrote:
> As a developer, I believe that this is a seriously broken idea: we
> need a single HTML Namespace URI so that we can identify and process
> HTML markup embedded in other document types; if we have to check
> three or more qualified names just to figure out that we have an HTML
> <p> element (and write three separate patterns in XSL, etc.) then
> we're in serious trouble.

I think that if the three different namespaces happen be interchangable
for the purposes of YOUR process then it is YOUR responsibility to say
so. This implies that XSLT, Namespace-filters for SAX, DOM etc.need
extensions for stating that two namespaces are interchangable for a
given task. Yes, there should also be a way for a namespace creator to
globally state that a namespace is a subset of another namespace but the
lack of such a declaration cannot be blamed on the XHTML people. They
are trying to do the right thing.

 Paul Prescod

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