Appending to an XML document

David Megginson david at
Fri Dec 10 19:20:32 GMT 1999

"Clark C. Evans" <clark.evans at> writes:

> On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Don Park wrote:

> > IMHO, this is a parser implementation problem.  I do not know of a
> > single XML parser that expects more than one XML document in a
> > file or a stream input.
> I tend to agree here.  If a DOM parser encounters more than one root
> element, it could easily create a root element, say by grabbing the
> name of the file.  If a SAX parser encounters more than one root
> element, it should just proceed by ending the first 'root' element,
> and then starting the next one.

No, these would both be non-conformant -- the XML spec defines a
document as the main production, and a parser that encounters a second 
root element in what is being given to it as a document simply has to
stop processing, except for error reporting.

You have to distinguish the document boundaries in a single stream
before you pass it on to the parser.  For example, you could use ^L as
the document separator, and start a new parse each time you see it.

All the best,


David Megginson                 david at

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