DTD vs DCD vs Schema

Murray Maloney murray at muzmo.com
Sun Jan 17 20:45:33 GMT 1999

At 02:46 PM 1/17/99 -0500, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>At 11:36 AM 1/17/99 -0800, David LeBlanc wrote:
>>What i'm asking, is it the intent that, in the fullness of time, 
>>one of these will supplant DTDs as a document type notation?

I am not sure that 'supplant' is necesarily the right word to use,
but I think that it is fairly certain that in the near future a 
majority of practitioners will opt for an XML schema language over
XML DTDs as a document type definition language. 
>I'm afraid it depends on who you ask.  There are plenty of folks out there
>who know and like DTDs.  Though I haven't heard anything them muttering
>'you can take my DTD when you pry it from my cold dead hands', I'm sure
>there are a few folks who feel that way, for SGML compatibility reasons if
>nothing else.

Note that the ability to distill an XML DTD from a schema has been 
identified as an important feature among DTD die-hards. Thus, if we
can build upon DTD functionality and maintain a path back to XML DTDs,
we will probably not have to pry DTDs from anyone's cold dead hands.

There are, however, aspects of extant proposals that cannot be reconciled 
with an XML DTD -- such as "open content models" in DCD and XML-Data.

Murray Maloney, Esq.          Phone: (905) 509-9120
Muzmo Communication Inc.      Fax:   (905) 509-8637
671 Cowan Circle              Email: murray at muzmo.com
Pickering, Ontario 		Email: murray at yuri.org
Canada, L1W 3K6    		

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