Distributed DOM implementations

Borden, Jonathan jborden at mediaone.net
Thu Jan 28 00:08:24 GMT 1999

Yes there are. MSXML implements the DOM on COM interfaces and hence can be
remotely accessed via DCOM. Similarly Jade has a COM/Automation interface
and can be accessed remotely via DCOM. You could also get a Java DOM
implementation remoted via RMI.

> 	I would like to find out if there are any known distributed
> implementations of DOM (and free). What I mean by this is an ability to
> access remote XML documents through a DOM interface but not by
> downloading and parsing them locally. Instead I need a parser or
> whatever (e.g. OODB wrapper) on the other end to give me result of the
> DOM commands only.

Jonathan Borden
JABR Technology Corp.

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