XML Editors - Word 2000??

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Sun Jun 27 04:33:12 BST 1999

Steven Livingstone wrote:
> Anyway, I am looking for an Editor as easy to use as Word, but allows you to
> work with XML without modification !!

Who isn't?

XML.com has a list of XML editors:


I know for a fact that not all of them actually *support* XML but it seems
that SGML support is considered "close enough" for xml.com. I don't mind
that but I wish they would label the true XML supporters. The ones I know
to support XML are:


Also a few others on their list aren't supported or even sold anymore.

You will not find a tool that is "as easy to use as Word" out of the box.
Think of Word as an XML editor that only works with a single DTD. It has
been tweaked and honed to make editing with that DTD for many years. Now
imagine you pop a document according to your vocabulary into an XML
editor. It doesn't know what's a list item, it doesn't know what's a
paragraph, etc. You'll need to do a bunch of work to teach it all of that

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself

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but unfounded delusion that it is a manufacturing industry. 
  -- Eric Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron: The Manufacturing Delusion"

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