XML complexity, namespaces (was WG)

John Cowan cowan at locke.ccil.org
Tue Mar 23 03:47:47 GMT 1999

Rick Jelliffe scripsit:

> In SGML I can short-reference these codepoints to entity which points to
> the appropriate glyphs and which has other data attributes to describe
> character properties.
> In XML, to do this I have to write a special program to simulate this
> behaviour.

At last, someone who wants the LocalMarkupFilter (level 1) I specced
out but never implemented because everybody pooh-poohed it.

This is a SAX filter that detects some PIs and processes character
data.  Each properly declared character in the content of a specified
element is transformed into an empty element.

Here are the PIs:

<?LocalMarkup mapname elementname?> says that any characters in the
content of the element "elementname" are transformed according to

<?LocalMarkup mapname "x" elementname?>
says that when map "mapname" is in effect, the character "x" is
changed into an empty element named "elementname", with
an attribute "char" saying what the character was.

This is not as flexible as shortrefs, assuming I understand them
correctly (can be more than one character long, and are transformed
into an arbitrary entity, not a fixed element name) but is easily
layered over SAX.

Are you interested?

John Cowan					cowan at ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.

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