XML convertor generator

Clark Evans clark.evans at manhattanproject.com
Thu Mar 25 03:53:32 GMT 1999

James Robertson wrote:
| At 03:08 25/03/1999 , JPA wrote:
| | Hello,
| |
| | I'm currently working on an xml convertor-generator. When finished, the
| | tool will, if you take the bother to type the structure of your input
| | format and mappings on entities and attributes, construct a convertor.
| | There's no documentation as yet, and some stuff missing (escaping, for
| | one thing), but if there's enough interest I'll put it on a website as is.
| |
| | Paul Janssens - paul.janssens at skynet.be
| Paul,
| Not wishing to rain on your parade, but aren't
| you re-inventing the wheel here?

Actually, a program which created an efficient
program to convert XML conforming to a specific
DTD to another product would be a very cool 
invention, very different from using Perl 
and/or Omnimark.

I have Omnimark programs which take a great
deal of processing power (I'd hate to see the 
Perl equivalent).  Cutting it in half with a 
program that generated a program would be 
very cool indeed.   What kind of 'efficiencies'
do you get when you remove the interpreted layer?

I'm reading this that you are more or less
doing a YACC thing?  Is this a correct
interpretation?  Will it do SGML?
(I guess I can run it through nsgmls 
to make the XML equivalent first.)
Is it open source?  Hopefully it 
will generate C code (for speed).

Clark Evans

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