external parsed entites (was: A unique ID question ?)

Len Bullard cbullard at hiwaay.net
Wed Nov 10 00:43:59 GMT 1999

Tim Bray wrote:
> Well, I'm with Eliot.  XML would be altogether better if we'd just
> bagged external parsed entities.  All repeat all the corner cases that
> I know of are right here.  In particular, since in the history of SGML,
> the number of tools that actually did useful things with them was very
> small, we have no excuse.  Oh well. -Tim

Umm, just as IADS did with DTDs, enlightened users won't use them 
where they aren't useful.  We can't bag the cat once it is in the alley 
unless we are faster than the cat, or know where it sleeps.  In either 
case, we will have a mad cat when we take it out of the bag.

len  (the guy who wanted to bag parameter entities too)

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