XML4J EA2 --> Xerces-J 1.0

Mike Pogue mpogue at apache.org
Tue Nov 30 17:43:33 GMT 1999

Eric Ulevik wrote:
>From: Mike Pogue <mpogue at apache.org>
>> The Xerces-J parser (the Apache name for what IBM calls XML4J EA2) is
>> both compliant (including passing one test that we disagree with your
>> interpretation of the spec on), and is freely available.  Both source
>> code and binaries for Xerces-J version 1 are available at
>> http://xml.apache.org, with updates done frequently.

>I haven't seen any updates. Just the original release. Am I mistaken?

The *very* latest source (including new functionality, and some late
breaking performance and memory enhancements) is available via anonymous
cvs (see http://xml.apache.org for details).  

We'll be bundling the latest source code up into a more formal release
(zip file, tarball) shortly (it's being tested right now).


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