Schematron tutorial at Zvon

Miloslav Nic nicmila at
Wed Oct 27 14:33:49 BST 1999

I have just published the first version of Schematron tutorial at:

There is a lot of work to be done to make it really useful but it
demonstrates some strength of Schematron.

If I can speak for myself with Schematron a dream come true. This was
precisely the tool I was looking for. And I actually missed it for the
first time I have seen the announcement some time ago. Then, on this
Friday, I have seen it mentioned in a message at comp.text.xml, peeped
in and was trapped. This week I have  started to play with it and I have
realized that it solves many problems I had so far with XML validation. 
It is superbly simple, elegant, XPath based and already implemented!

There actually arises a question a friend of mine asked when I was
raving about Schematron today:
XML must be well-formed. If it conforms to DTD, then it is valid. So
what if it conforms to Schematron, is it schematronic?

Dr. Miloslav Nic                        e-mail: nicmila at
Department of Organic Chemistry         TEL: +420 2 2435 5012  
ICT Prague (VSCHT Praha)                     +420 2 2435 4118
    				        FAX: +420 2 2435 4288  
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