Fw: Fw: XHTML & Schemas

Oren Ben-Kiki oren at capella.co.il
Thu Sep 2 16:22:03 BST 1999

Ann Navarro <ann at webgeek.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure where you're thinking that work in Schemas will determine the
> outcome of work in XHTML 1.0.
> XHTML 1.0 is  silent on schemas -- conforming documents must validate
> against a DTD.
> Schemas will certainly impact continuing work, but we're not hinging
> anything in XHTML 1.0 on them.

Surely you wouldn't place something in the recommendation which is known to
contradict the XSchema WG decisions? Concretely, as long as the XSchema WG
keeps the "namespace == schema" rule, I don't see how you can decide to use
just one namespace for XHTML (much as I would like you to) - unless you are
betting they'll change this rule in the future.

Have fun,

    Oren Ben-Kiki

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