XML in the real world... Was "Re: Another look at namespaces"

David Megginson david at megginson.com
Fri Sep 17 15:52:08 BST 1999

Ann Navarro writes:

 > >but I don't imagine that DMOZ or RPMFind will be
 > >able to become conformant any time soon because they have extremely
 > >large user bases with the old Namespace URI hard-coded in their
 > >software.
 > In all objectiveness, isn't that more a problem of it being "hard
 > coded" than of a change in URI?

That's the whole point of this discussion: Namespace URIs are
necessarily hard-coded in documents and applications.  That's why many
of us want exactly one, persistent XHTML Namespace URI.

In this case, DMOZ and RPMFind did hard-code the Namespace URI before
RDF-Syntax went to REC, so technically, they're to blame; however, it
is unfortunately that the last-minute change robbed RDF of the chance
of having two very highly-visible and heavily-used conformant

All the best,


David Megginson                 david at megginson.com

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