W3C's 'Moral Majesty'

David Megginson david at megginson.com
Mon Sep 20 15:53:45 BST 1999

Steven R. Newcomb writes:

 > [Tim Bray:]
 > > Namespaces are a facility to make names universal, no more, no
 > > less.
 > They don't accomplish that goal.  Now that we've done away with the
 > requirement that there be a DTD, surprise! we still need models.


No, they *do* accomplish that goal -- people have raised reasonable
concerns about the persistence of Namespace-qualified names
(especially with URLs), but no one has yet introduced a credible
argument that Namespace-qualifed names are not universal.

Rather, Steve is arguing that universal names should not be an end in
themselves -- and that's a very reasonable argument -- but that hardly
disproves the claim that Namespace-qualified names are

All the best,


David Megginson                 david at megginson.com

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