Basic XMLSchema questions

Alan Santos asantos at
Wed Jan 5 19:21:18 GMT 2000

 I'm trying to wrap my head around the XMLSchema drafts to determine their
immediate usefulness (to myself), and have some very basic questions.

1)  What is the difference between an archetype, type and datatype?
When is one used in place of the other.

2) Is multiple inheritance not supported for derived types?

2a) How is inheritance supported? Is it possible to access the elements of a
types source without manually doing the traversal, or is inheritance only
useful in the instance document?

3) Is it possible to use the schema for application specific requirements.
  For example, I'm basing my schema on a Java class model and would like to
specify the Java class name in the schema.  The only way I can see is to
wrap it in an <annotation/>.

3a) Likewise, certain <elements> may actually refer to another type, so I
want to do something like:
<element name="thePrice" type="reference" referentType="Price">

I know I can say something like:

 <element name="thePrice" type="PriceReference">

but that isn't really flexible enough.

Perhaps type can hold a ref of some sort, tho....

Maybe I would just be better off with another XML instance document
describing the class model?


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