3 APIs ! GO FOR IT !!

Robrecht Siera rsiera at steunpunt.be
Mon Dec 15 21:06:38 GMT 1997

There has been some discussion about the API again.  
I like it, but ... please start now.  

Peter Murray wrote
>We all have concerns. My concern is that there aren't enough people who are
>actively writing code and making it publicly available. 
Yes, and I'm affraid I'm one of them.  
I'm just a simple VB programmer in a non-profit organisation who
sees the value of using XML in data management, but can't produce
anything valuable if I don't have a API or DLL (oeps, I don't know
the difference I'm affraid.  I'm dumb too you see :-) which is
supported by a larger part of the XML community.
I need something simple to start working with.

On the other hand I fully agree with the concern of Don Park 
that the object-oriented design knowledge should find it's place in
the XML-future that he thinks, along with me, that it deserves.
*** I'm not quoting Don here and I can't express myself very well in
English.  So bringing those two aspects together here might result
here in me missing the ball completely here with this sentence :-)

That is why I fully support Peter's proposal :
>There was never any suggestion it would be the only API.  
>Let's assume there are 3 APIs.
>	- simple
>	- Object based
>	- grove based


Robrecht Siera

 In Petto - Jeugddienst Informatie en Preventie
 In Petto - National Youth Service for Youth Information and Prevention

 Diksmuidelaan 50, 2600 Berchem, Belgium
 tel +32/3/366.15.20, +32/3/366.45.45
 fax +32/3/366.11.58

 email: inpetto at cybco.be 
 www  : http://www.cybco.be/inpetto

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