</> as end tag

Ingo Macherius Ingo.Macherius at TU-Clausthal.de
Mon Nov 3 20:18:35 GMT 1997

> From:          Chris Lovett <clovett at microsoft.com>
> To:            xml-dev at ic.ac.uk
> Subject:       RE: </> as end tag
> Date:          Mon, 3 Nov 1997 10:43:57 -0800 

Chris Lovett <clovett at microsoft.com> said:

> I'm more interested in constructive feedback from people 
> you have  actually played with the new parser....

I spent half of the day playing with msxml, which means I tried to 
get it running on Linux with Java SDK 1.1.3. Here some points I 

1) Case folding

The filenames in the msxml.tar.gz are all folded to lowercase. This 
might not matter with DOS filesystems, Unix is a bit harsher here.
One has to rebuild all *.class files.

2) Makefile

Rebuilding the *.class files from source is not easy (haven't managed 
yet) because of various cross-dependencies. Is it possible for you to 
provide a Unix style Makefile, or give me a pointer to docs on how to 
read your MS specific Makefile ?

3) Missing imports

These imports are hidden in the source. Surely I could copy them from 
IE4's Java files, but I'd be nice if msxml was self-contained.

import com.ms.com.*;
import com.ms.com.IUnknown;
import com.ms.com.Variant;
import com.ms.osp.*;
import netscape.javascript.JSObject;

Has anyone successfully run msxml on non-windows platforms ? Is this 
at least intended ?

Ingo Macherius // L'Aigler Platz 4 // D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
mailto:Ingo.Macherius at tu-clausthal.de    http://www.tu-clausthal.de/~inim/
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