Proposal for src files

Roy Tennant rtennant at
Thu Apr 2 17:46:25 BST 1998

On Thu, 2 Apr 1998, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:

> it. IMO the single most important thing about XML is that it makes things
> accessible to at least a hundred times more people than other technologies.

I couldn't agree more. Why do you think the Web was so widely and swiftly
adopted? Because you could such neat things with it *and the price of
admission was low*. That is, HTML is definitely not rocket science. Let's
try to see if we can keep XML from being rocket science. For example, why
can't we use XML Data for our DTDs? Why can't we use it to describe
resources instead of the "labeled directed graphs" (say what?) of RDF?
Sometimes the best solution is NOT the most thorough or general one, but
the simplest. 
Roy Tennant

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