Advice on XML editor development

Marc Veldman marc at
Mon Apr 27 16:07:05 BST 1998

[Jordi Mulet wrote:]
> We have also planned to develop a Delphi Client/server application to
> manage
> SGML/XML documents and the links between diferent SGML/XML documents.
> Any informationa about this development will be very apreciated!

I'm writing a number of classes to parse XML documents as well as a number of
classes to get data from a document given an element type and atttibute values.
The idea is to produce a front-end for XML documents so that you can access them
much like a database. A second thing I'm working on is a simlple XML editor.

I don't feel ready yet to show the source code to anyone,
(I will have to do some cleaning up & commenting, and some serious debugging)
But if you'd like to exchange ideas and comments, we'll keep in touch.
I will mail you as soon as I get some source ready.

Have a nice day,

Marc Veldman

kleur & beeld b.v. - digitaal denken en drukken
e-mail: marc at

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