Constraints on Attvalues

Peter Jones peterj at
Thu Aug 27 12:42:00 BST 1998

In my ongoing struggle to master the XML 1.0 spec can anyone help me
with the following:
Concerning production [41] in sect 3.1 there is a well-formedness
constraint which says that the Attvalue cannot contain any direct or
indirect references to an external entity.
So for my element:
<myelem   attrib="&ent;"/>

&ent; can only refer to an internally declared entity, and the literal
in the entity value, EntValue, cannot contain
where &Another_ent; is an external general entity.

Am I on the right lines?

Peter Jones
WebDev Technical Editor
Wrox Press
mailto:peterj at
Wrox Press UK Ltd.
Tel 44 121 706 6826
Fax 44 121 706 2967

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