XML DTD parser

anette.engel at crpht.lu anette.engel at crpht.lu
Tue Dec 8 16:39:28 GMT 1998

I worked a bit with IBMs xml4j.  In theParser Class, you can find the
to open a DTD.

For questions like
- Can an element x be inserteted as the child of  y
Have a look at the mehtods of the DTD class.

The DTD class offers for example two methods
to check which elements can be inserted at position or appended for
an element. It offers also methods to extract element declaration
or Attribut Declaration (of a specific element)

Anette Engel
anette.engel at crpht.lu

"Ajay Gangwar" <majayg at iitk.ac.in> on 12/08/98 11:52:22 AM

Please respond to "Ajay Gangwar" <majayg at iitk.ac.in>

To:   xml-dev at ic.ac.uk
cc:    (bcc: Anette Engel/crmm)
Subject:  XML DTD parser

1. Can someone please point me to a XML DTD parser?
2. In my application I want to be able to open an instance of
    the document's DTD independently so that I can query it.
    For me queries like the following would be pertinent :
    -  What all elements are defined by the DTD?
    -  Can an element 'x' be inserted as the child of 'y'?
    -  What attributes are allowed by an element 'x'?
    -  etc ...
    Is there a way to do this using any SAX parser? If not
    how do I go about achieving this?
- Ajay Gangwar
  majayg at iitk.ac.in

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