XML Parse, which resolves enitities

TAMURA Kent kent at trl.ibm.co.jp
Thu Dec 10 09:33:47 GMT 1998

In message "Re: XML Parse, which resolves enitities"
    on 98/12/09, anette.engel at crpht.lu <anette.engel at crpht.lu> writes:
> > Most do, including Sun's:
> but not xml4j from IBM:
> I wrote a little sample program, just parsing a document and
> then writing it to stdout. To my dissappointment the entities
> weren't resolved.

Maybe, your program did not handle children of
org.w3c.dom.EntityReference nodes. If you need no
EntityReference nodes, call Parser#setExpandEntityReferences(true)
before Parser#readStream().

TAMURA, Kent  @ Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan

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