SAX: External Entity Start and End (question 2 of 10)

Peter Murray-Rust peter at
Sat Jan 3 16:54:40 GMT 1998

>Should SAX generate events for the start and end of an external

I use AElfred.resolveEntity() to make a table of entities actually used. I
haven't yet done anything with it, but I think it could be very useful.

>  public void startEntity (String ename, String systemID);
>  public void endEntity (String ename);

I don't mind whether you use start/end or resolve.

>Are public IDs important enough to be included?


Personally I think PubIDs will only be used by 0.1% of the XML community
and will generate far more problems that they solve. There has been a lot
of debate about these already with opinions split both ways.  PublicIDs are
useful when someone keeps a register of equivalences and/or when an SGML
catalog is used. I don't think either will be common in XML and the work
involved (including the documentation) is not worth it for SAX.

I have posted this publicly because I think I have something additional to
contribute. Some people will disagree with me (about PubIDs). If so, make a
BRIEF case as to why PubIDs **are essential for SAX**, but do NOT repeat
the argument if someone else has made it. 
REMEMBER DavidM has 10 subjects to read and cannot go into the intricacies
of every one. Do NOT let the PubID/SysID discussion get out of hand :-)


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
net connection
VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary

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