Wish list for XMLApplication Framework

Dmitri Kondratiev dima at paragraph.com
Thu Mar 12 13:11:47 GMT 1998

The following are some of the features I'd like to be able to use in
XMLApplication Framework :

- Support for both, event-based and tree-based parsers, to serialize XML
elements to application-specific element-objects.
Tree-based approach is certainly cleaner when you need to parse document as
a whole, but, imagine, in my appl. I may need to stop parsing relatively big
document in the middle, when I come across some element. So I don't need the
whole tree! And still I may need to instantiate my appl. specific

- Runtime configuration of "element-semantic" handlers.
Ideally I'd like to be able to switch element-semantic handlers in run-time.
This might seem nonsense first, but if you give this idea a second thought
you'll see the point. XML is very wise to **not imply element semantic**, so
it may be useful for some app. (such as mine) to be able to switch one or
more times when processing a document from one set of element-objects to
another. In other words the ability to bind different semantic-handlers (and
thus element-objects) to elements in runtime is needed. Naming handler in
the XML document will allow to start parsing with some general
"semantic-switch" handler, that will activate different semantic-handlers as

- Basic support for element-object to element markup serialization. This
will allow application to modify element-object in runtime and then
serialize it **in application-specific way** back in markup representation
by means of XMLDataOutputStream stream connected to XML document instance.

- Markup ReadElement/InsertElement from/to
XMLDataInputStream/XMLDataOutputStream. With both streams connected to XML
document instance.

- Markup CutElement/PasteElement from/to
XMLDataInputStream/XMLDataOutputStream. With both streams connected to XML
document instance.


dima at paragraph.com
102401.2457 at compuserve.com
tel: 07-095-464-9241

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