ANNOUNCEMENT: Proposed SAX Revisions

Matthew - Praxis matthew at
Mon Mar 23 08:51:10 GMT 1998

How about defining a standard UnknownLocation class derived from Location
(and using is as the default value in the interface)?

-----Original Message-----
From: James Clark <jjc at>
To: xml-dev Mailing List <xml-dev at>
Date: Sunday, March 22, 1998 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Proposed SAX Revisions

>David Megginson wrote:
>> 2) there is no way to obtain contextual information (system id, line
>>    number, etc.) for reporting application errors;
>I have mixed feelings about this.  I think this is useful information
>for some applications.  On other hand, I don't think XML parsers are
>under any obligation to provide this information; it has a cost in terms
>of performance and complexity and parser writers may decide that, for
>their target market, it's not worth this cost.  I don't think SAX should
>be impossible to implement on top of such parsers.  Also SAX is supposed
>to be simple.  Adding a Location argument to every single callback is a
>very significant increase in complexity.  Moreover it complicates the
>use of SAX for all applications, even those (I guess the majority) that
>are aren't interested in this location information. Unless a better way
>can be found to do this, I don't think this functionality should be

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