Announce: xml-litprog-l

Trevor Jenkins tfj at
Fri May 1 12:42:47 BST 1998

> I have created a mailing list, "xml-litprog-l", for discussions
> about how best to use XML/XSL/XLink/XPtr for constructing literate
> programming frameworks and tools.  I'm interested in being able to
> share ideas with
> (i) people who know more about XML and/or SGML than I do;
> (ii) people who know more about literate programming than I do;
> (iii) anyone else who is interested.

What a good idea. Back in 1985/6 I proposed that the ISO Technical 
Report "Techniques for Using SGML" include an example of Literate 
Programming! Some of the other committee members prefered a Z 
example. I gave way to their "pressure" and forgot the literate 
programming example; no one provided the Z example either.

There are some things in SGML that would mean existing web files 
could have been processed whereas they could not be processed with 

Regards, Trevor.


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