XML community outreach

terje at in-progress.com terje at in-progress.com
Wed Oct 7 19:53:18 BST 1998

At 5:00 AM 10/6/98, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>I know of two Web sites that are up and running using XML transformations
>to HTML: (Please let me know if I'm wrong, folks!)
>http://www.xmlinfo.com/ (plus sister sites xmlsoftware.com and schema.net)
>and http://www.ncfocus.com/

Plus <http://interaction.in-progress.com> and <http://www.in-progress.com>,
not to mention an unknown number of Mac based websites that to various
extent make use of Interaction's dynamic XML-to-HTML processing

-- Terje <Terje at in-progress.com> | Media Design in*Progress

   Software for Mac Web Professionals at <http://www.in-progress.com>
   C a s c a d e... a comprehensive Cascading Style Sheets editor
   XPublish - for efficient website publishing with XML
   Make your Web Site a Social Place with Interaction!

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