Looking for a redistributable XML editor

Hyoungsoo Yoon hyoung at fiz.huji.ac.il
Thu Oct 8 21:25:36 BST 1998

Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
> Also, it has been suggested that I distribute XML Notepad (Microsoft). > have not seen the terms of this but even if they allow free distribution it
> requires the recipient to have MSIE 4 installed. I cannot redistribute this
> either technically or legally :-)

It (being able to use XML Notepad) was the only reason I installed
buggy IE5 beta on one of my systems. Believe it or not, it is the
best (free) XML editor I have right now without these time stamps or
copyright strings.

(I don't think I really want to pay hundred bucks for
those *commercial* editors, most of which are not really
*commercial* grade IMHO.)


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