About URI,URN,URL and FPIs

Amit Rekhi amitr at abinfosys.com
Thu Oct 22 14:31:04 BST 1998

            After having gone through the URI specs at the w3c site I wanted
to confirm a few doubts. I'd be grateful if anyone would kindly help.

DOUBT 1 :- URNs at this point are not widely used since there is no
generally available resolution service. In case a resolution infrastructure
comes up in time :-

* Where would the service reside(client/server)?
* Would the server simply serve all the docs that contain FPIs to the client
or would it resolve the FPIs to system IDs before serving the docs to the
client or would it "selectively" serve files depending upon the FPIs it can
* Would the client in anyway be involved in resolving the FPI -> Sys ID?

DOUBT 2 :- URN simply stated refers to a globally unique, persistent  name
from a NameSpace. This name could be used to provide a  label to resources.

* Could a URN also label a resource which may not necessarily be residing on
the web?
( I could label a resource with a URN ,and the resource could very well be a
set of paper documents!
This could happen in a scenario where 2 parties provide a paper resource
with a URN and transmit only the URN in their XML files to each other. The
resource could be transmitted  on paper since it is a set of paper
documents )

DOUBT 3 :- Talking in terms of URI, if a URI is not a URLthen it HAS to be a
URN and vice versa. Am I right?

DOUBT 4:- In HTML, I am allowed to include <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "......The
HTML FPI .......">.

* How should browsers parse the HTML FPI, do they leave it untouched?
* I feel the HTML FPI is resolved that is HTML FPI -> local path of the HTML
DTD, is done within the browser. Am I right?
* If the above is true then  each HTML browser will store a local copy of
the HTML DTD which it will use to validate the HTML instance against. Is
this correct?

                                                Thanks in advance for any
answers ,


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