[HELP] Finding XML data on the Web

AnHai Doan anhai at cs.washington.edu
Thu Apr 8 04:43:28 BST 1999

Hi, I'm doing a research project on data integration, and
need a lot of XML data, the kind we would have seen in a
typical real-world application. I have searched the Web but
found very few XML documents, which are either for very
small applications, or are interesting, but irrelevant (such
as Shakespeare work being wrapped in XML). It seems like
right now there is no "real" data in XML format that are
available on the Web.

If you know of any source of significant XML data on the
Web, could you please give me some pointers? I would also be
interested in finding some DTDs out there for commercial
domains such as buying and selling software products, cars,
books, CDs, etc. Lastly, I would also be interested in
sources that provide data in the native format (that is,
data not wrapped in HTML).

I greatly appreciate your time and help.
Best, AnHai.

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