Request for Discussion: SAX 1.0 in C++

David Megginson david at
Fri Dec 3 18:14:27 GMT 1999

uche.ogbuji at writes:

 > I would really like you to reconsider this ordering of priorities.
 > SAX2 is urgently needed for DOM implementors and developers of XSLT
 > engines with streaming output.  You have done an admirable job of
 > leading the SAX and SAX2 development, and it is dying without your
 > output.  Now if you were simply buried with 9-5 work, and couldn't
 > lend your efforts, it would be understandable.  But to detract from
 > SAX2 in order to focus on SAX/C++, I think is muddling the
 > priorities.

What in SAX2 is most urgently needed for DOM and XSLT?  I know that
DOM level one *can* support some things that SAX doesn't report (such
as comments and CDATA section boundaries), but there is nothing in DOM
level one that says those have to be included, and I've heard of
relatively few real-world applications that need that information.

I'm not as familiar with the situation in XSLT, and information would
be helpful.

All the best,


David Megginson                 david at

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