Charles Gamble Charles.Gamble at singularity.co.uk
Fri Feb 5 16:49:36 GMT 1999

By the way, I only have IE 4.0 installed.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Charles Gamble 
> Sent:	05 February 1999 16:16
> To:	'xml-dev at ic.ac.uk'
> Subject:	MSXML 1.0
> Can MSXML 1.0 be used to read in strings containing XML content?
> If so, how is this done? An example in script would be useful, showing 
> the XML object being created , the string being declared with XML content
> and the string then being loaded into the XML object.
> All the examples I have seen use an XML file to load into the XML object.
> An example in C++ would also come in handy.
> Please tell me this is possible.
> Thanks in advance,
>          Charles Gamble.

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