Regulating the XML Marketplace

Mark Baker mark at
Fri Jan 8 16:18:34 GMT 1999

Paul Prescod wrote:

> There will never be a demo of
> XML-based technology that is substantially more interesting than that same
> demo based on legacy or proprietary formats.

Could this be because you're thinking of a demo on a standalone PC rather than one
executed over a network?

How about any app that works between tens or hundreds of partnered companies over
the Net?  Say a supply chain management "system", where no single vendor/supplier
has the same software as anybody else - it could all be proprietary - but they all
talk XML (and agree on DTDs, or just specific tags & semantics, etc..).

The true value of XML, IMHO, is in its potential to become ubiquitous.

Mark Baker, Personal Apps Lead                 Sun Microsystems Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

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