XML media types revisited

Simon St.Laurent simonstl at simonstl.com
Thu Jan 14 19:03:57 GMT 1999

At 01:46 PM 1/14/99 -0500, John Cowan wrote:
>Specific applications of XML can and should be registered as distinct
>media types, possibly under other top-level types: an XML-based
>representation of music might be registered as "audio/musicml"
>in the expectation that some audio players might be able to
>play it.

I agree that applications of XML can and should be registered as distinct
media sub-types, but still think that XML itself makes as much (and
possibly more) sense as a top-level type than text or application for most

While audio/musicml might make sense, it doesn't necessarily exclude

I'm not convinced that application/x-cml makes as much sense as xml/x-cml.  

An initial type of xml would significantly broaden the usability of generic
xml applications, much as the initial type of text broadens the usability
of generic text applications.  (And there aren't any generic 'application'
applications that I'm aware of.)  

Maybe I'll go poke around the IETF some more, when I have time.

Simon St.Laurent
XML: A Primer / Cookies
Sharing Bandwidth 
Building XML Applications (March)

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