
David LeBlanc whisper at
Mon Jan 25 17:29:52 GMT 1999

On the one hand, i'd prefer to see the political stuff move to a different
forum, on the other, it's an indespensable part of xml development.

There is an old saying in warfare that the best plans fail to survive first
contact with the enemy. In like vein, the best made standards fail to
survive first contact with the implementors.

Standardization is a social/political process imho, so it's vital to not
only discover how people think a standard ought to be implemented (what I
understand to be the overt purpose of xml-dev), and the social/political
context in which it's being developed - i.e. what people are thinking about
and molding it into. It's this social/political discourse on xml-dev that
provides that I think.

Dave LeBlanc

At 12:04 PM 1/21/99 -0500, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>At 11:44 AM 1/21/99 -0500, Murray Maloney wrote:
>>At 11:08 AM 1/21/99 -0500, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>>>It's a good idea - but where exactly should we go with the more abstract
>>>and political stuff?  There isn't a forum, and even if there was, what
>>>assurances would there be that the W3C (or anyone else in fact) would be
>>There are plenty of people who participate in the W3C who are listening.
>>There have been numerous occasions when discussions on this list
>>have been brought up in W3C WG calls/meetings. This is an incredibly
>>useful list, and I think that we would ignore it at our peril.
>Agreed - people do listen to XML-Dev.  But would they bother to watch a
>forum discussing just the politics?  I doubt it, and that's why I don't see
>removing the politics from XML-Dev as a good thing for XML. This could
>change, of course, if the W3C starts inviting the public as well as
>listening, and creates public forums with 'official' standing.
>Simon St.Laurent
>XML: A Primer / Building XML Applications (March)
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