SAX2 RFD: LexicalHandler draft v.1.1

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at
Thu Mar 25 18:15:25 GMT 1999

* Gabe Beged-Dov
| Are there other cases (other than text-normalization ) in SAX2 that
| require the parser to aggregate notifications and save state (other
| than that required for well-formedness checking)? 

Not right now, no.

| My impression is that SAX(2) is intended to be minimalist. If a
| filter network can be composed on top of SAX2 that provides the
| desired capabilities, then SAX2 doesn't need to provide that
| capability. 

This is true, and personally I was of the opinion that normalize-text
was better left to external filters.

| Maybe normalization is a good candidate for an example filter
| network.

Maybe, but we still need to reject invalid combinations of
LexicalHandler and normalize-text, so somehow the filter and/or parser
will need to handle this.

This whole issue just strengthens my conviction that we need to
specify filter handling within the SAX2 core. This will need to deal
very carefully with parser encapsulation for approaches like this one
to be really feasible in implementations.

It wouldn't be much fun if a filter did the normalization without
telling the parser and thus caused trouble with the LexicalHandler,
and no hint of this trouble ever reaching the application.

| The fact that it would need to be configureable (concerning CDATA
| handling) might make it a more useful pedagogical aid.

As to how filters work, you mean? Well, we should let ourselves be
affected by that. And, besides, whitespace normalization is a far
better example, I think.

--Lars M.

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