[SML] Whether to support Attribute or not?

Gavin Thomas Nicol gtn at ebt.com
Mon Nov 29 03:38:56 GMT 1999

> >Again, if SML is designed solely to remove the "complexity" 
> from XML, then I think it is entirely misguided... [...]
> Or rather, it is not just technically guided.  Complexity has 
> initial costs and recurring costs -- learning curves, 
> building apps on top of XML, time-to-market, revisiting old 
> problems, technical support, software maintainability, etc.

I don't buy the rationale that a new syntax is needed to address
the problems here. At the end of the day, the people who actually
*use* the systems built around XML should give a tinkers cuss
one way or another... it should be hidden from them.

The XML that is most important is the XML that can't be seen...

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