DOM for Expat - what was that URL again ?

Andy Dent dent at
Mon Oct 18 20:19:31 BST 1999

>Can somebody remind of the URL where I can find the DOM support that
>somebody ( could have been more than one ) posted that sits on top of expat.

I've been too busy to pay attention to the list for a while but if 
you're talking about expatpp that's the c++ layer I put on top of 
expat. It is used heavily in our OOFILE Report Writer which is now 
also available as Open Source from the below URL.

The report writer uses XML to save standalone report documents that 
include database schemae, data and report layout. As our Open Source 
project continues I'll be keen to involve more of the XML community - 
we have the seeds here of a nicely factored presentation engine for 
some aspects of XML, with rendering on Mac and Windows and output to 
HTML and RTF as well.

Andy Dent BSc MACS AACM, Software Designer, A.D. Software, Western Australia
OOFILE - Database, Reports, Graphs, GUI for c++ on Mac, Unix & Windows
PP2MFC - PowerPlant->MFC portability

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