SAX2: org.xml.sax.helpers.SAXUtils

David Megginson david at
Mon Jan 17 00:07:20 GMT 2000

David Brownell writes:

 > >  public static String makeAbsoluteURL (String url);
 > What would this do differently from the 
 > 	URL u = new URL (baseURL, relativeURL);
 > constructor -- beyond using strings instead of URLs?
 > In any case, either an URL is already absolute, or it's relative
 > to some other URL ... so that's missing an argument!

It's actually based on a method that James Clark wrote a long time ago 
-- it builds a file: URL based on the current directory.

OK, I'm probably going to leave this out, because it's not that hard
to use

  xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(new FileReader(file)));

All the best,


David Megginson                 david at

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