Converting Mac Chemdraw images to PC gif images. How?

Paul May Paul.May at
Fri Mar 1 16:54:44 GMT 1996


At Bristol, we have the unfortunate situation of the Organic and 
Inorganic Depts using Macs, while we in Physical Chemistry (including
me, the webmaster), use PCs and UNIX.  So when I have to create web
pages for staff members in org/inorg chemistry, I keep on running into
the problems of (a) converting their Mac files to PC-readable ones, and
(b) converting their Mac Chemdraw diagrams into gif files. 

The text is just about do-able, but I'm having real problems converting
the Chemdraw files.  The best I've come up with is to get the author to
print out a good quality hard copy, and I scan it in using Windows formatting.

But there must be a better way!!  Does anybody know of a simple
utility program, or method, that will allow me to do this without all the
faffing around?

Dr Paul May, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK
tel: +44 (0)117 9287667, fax: +44 (0)117 9251295
email: paul.may at
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