IUPAC recommendations on WWW

G.P.Moss G.P.Moss at qmw.ac.uk
Fri Mar 1 17:56:51 GMT 1996

    International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) 
              Nomenclature on World Wide Webb

The first of several planned IUPAC nomenclature recommendations 
have been converted into a World Wide Webb document which can 
be accessed from your desktop. The "Glossary of class names of 
organic compounds and reactive intermediates based on structure. 
Recommendations 1995" [Pure Appl. Chem. 67, 1995, 1307-1375] 
can now be consulted from:


This contains over 700 class names with over 1300 cross-links and 
170 illustrations. 

Due to the nature of the medium the material is now fully indexed 
and the entries are ordered into 22 categories so that related material 
is together. The sections are hydrocarbons, ring systems, alcohols 
and ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, compounds 
with one nitrogen atom, compounds with more than one nitrogen 
atom, compounds containing boron, halogen, metals, phosphorus 
arsenic or antimony, silicon or germanium, sulfur selenium or 
telurium, ions and radicals, natural products and miscellaneous 
entries. The natural products are subdivided into antibiotics, 
carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, terpenoids, tetrapyrroles and 
other natural products.
Due to the limitations of the html language some characters have 
to be converted into text e.g. Greek letters are given as [alpha] etc. 
However instead of just having a note that a term used in a definition 
is available elsewhere in the glossary there is now a link. Click on 
the word and the definition itself will appear.

In addition to the glossary there is a full list of nomenclature 
recommendations from the Commission on the Nomenclature of 
Organic Chemistry (3.1) and also for the Joint Commission on 
Biochemical Nomenclature together with those of the Nomenclature 
Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry and 
Molecular Biology. There is also a link to the IUPAC data at 
Cambridge on the organisation of the Union.

Gerry Moss

Dr GP Moss                             Telephone: +44 171 775 3262
Department of Chemistry
Queen Mary & Westfield College         Facsimile: +44 181 981 8745
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS, United Kingdom          E-mail: g.p.moss at qmw.ac.uk

World Wide Web server: http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugca000/chemistry.html
 IUPAC data base           http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugca000/iupac.html

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