[klee-dev] Different between DFS Searcher and Random Searcher

gwpublic at wp.pl gwpublic at wp.pl
Sun Apr 14 10:58:40 BST 2013


> Random one. As I see from the source code (klee/lib/Core/Searcher.cpp),
they are different in only the selectState() method, that makes me in
doubt. I think that there must be other different point, but I couldnt
figure it out.

It makes perfectly sense, why would you need sth more to change order?

> By the way, I still dont understand why we call it DFS based on the
source code, it does not clear to me. So can you give me any hint/ point?

Sorry, AFK responding from Tablet :-) .

Hint might be that you can implement DFS.BFS etc in many many different
ways and still they will be same algorithm.
To point in code I would need to sit at PC from laptop.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki
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