[klee-dev] Can KLEE be portable?

李永超 lyc364 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 11:52:21 GMT 2014

I am trying to move KLEE executables built on one machine to the other that has different environment configurations
, for instance, distinct user name thus causing path-to-KLEE changed on that new machine. 
I also copy binaries of llvm, uclibc and stp(of course all of them are built on current machine) to the new machine. 
When run KLEE with a .bc file, it says:

feiniao at feiniao-Lenovo-Product:~/Desktop/util$ ./klee BYOD.bc
/* Normal output omitted */
klee: error: Cannot find linker input '/home/qingjinlyc/IDEs/klee/Release+Asserts/lib/libkleeRuntimeIntrinsic.bca'
klee: ModuleUtil.cpp:51: llvm::Module* klee::linkWithLibrary(llvm::Module*, const string&): Assertion `0 && "linking in library failed!"' failed.

I am not surprised to see this cause it is within my expectation that KLEE will use absolute paths to find libraries at runtime.
However, now I just need a portable KLEE that could run on any machine without having to build all things around. 
How can I achieve this or anyone tell me this is totally impossible?

Yongchao Li
Department of Computer Science and Technology

Nanjing University
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