[klee-dev] Compiling KLEE - metaSMT support

Thuan Pham thuanpv.nus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 09:32:28 GMT 2014

I followed the instructions at
http://srg.doc.ic.ac.uk/projects/klee-multisolver/getting-started.html to
compile KLEE-metaSMT.
I did compile metaSMT successfully but I faced error while configure and
compile KLEE with metaSMT. Here is the output error:
fatal error: ../4.6.3/tr1/std::tr1::unordered_map: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

The name of the missing file looks strange. And here is the indicated
source of the error:
include BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(BOOST_TR1_PATH(unordered_map))

I have tried to update environment variables like C_INCLUDE_PATH,
CPUS_INCLUDE_PATH for boost library but it doesn't work.
Could you please give me some suggestions to fix the issue.
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