[klee-dev] Get LLVM ERROR when compiling program using clang with option -fsanitize=undefined

Dingbao Xie xiedingbao at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 02:02:40 BST 2014

Hi all,
I got an LLVM error when using klee to analyze a program generated by
I tried to debug it by myself and finally found that the error is produced
when calling
PassManager.run (klee/lib/Module/KModule.cpp, function prepare, pm3.run).

The detailed error information is:
LLVM ERROR: Code generator does not support intrinsic function

Attachment is the test program that I used.

Does anyone know why LLVM produced such error and how can I get around it.
BTW I built klee with LLVM-3.4.

Thanks in advance.

Dingbao Xie
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