[klee-dev] whole-program-llvm

Zhiyi Zhang xianlingzibiying at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 07:08:23 GMT 2015

Hi all,

I am using KLEE with LLVM-3.4 and want to redo the experiments of
Coreutils. Since LLVM-3.4 uses clang-3.4 but not llvm-gcc, I prefer
whole-program-llvm to compile coreutils programs. The compile steps are as

*export PATH=/home/loveling10/klee/build/Release+Asserts/bin:$PATHexport
(I do not know why it is i686, but there is no i386 in /urs/lib/gcc
folder)export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnuexport
*mkdir obj-llvm*
*cd obj-llvm*
* ../configure --disable-nls CFLAGS="-g"*
*CC=CC=wllvm CXX=wllvm++*

And .o files have been generated.

However, when I use extract-bc to generate .bc files,


it reports the error that

*ERROR:File "/home/loveling10/klee/examples/coreutils/coreutils/obj-llvm/src/base64.o"
of type ELF_OBJECT cannot be used.*

I have no idea how to solve this problem. Whether there are some errors in
my steps?

Thank you very much.
Zhiyi Zhang
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