[klee-dev] about the Covnew searcher

Qixue Xiao s2exqx at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 11:31:55 GMT 2016

Hi, every one.

I have a question about the "Covnew" path searcher which could cover
new code as possible.

In the "Covnew" searcher, it using a red-black tree to keep the
distance to the new codes.

However, I do not understand the "Covnew" searcher how to reach the
new code(uncovered code) as possible.
because the "Covnew" searcher selects a state using a random seed in
states which sort as a red-black tree by state's address.
although it computes the min distance to the uncovered code as the weight.

Is my idea right?
and could you tell me how the "Covnew" searcher works in the execution?

Thanks very much.

Best Wished.


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