Open Standards Processes

Jon Bosak Jon.Bosak at eng.Sun.COM
Sat Apr 25 21:51:45 BST 1998

[Tim Bray:]

[... good stuff that I completely agree with ...]

| 4. A couple of people made the excellent point that it's tough to
| produce a book on one of these specs in a timely and accurate fashion
| if you're not inside the process.  It seems to me that it would be of
| huge benefit for the W3C if such books were easier to produce.  It
| might make all sorts of sense for the W3C to have "writers'
| memberships" - non-speaking access to the materials of one activity or
| another.  Such memberships wouldn't be free, a cost of perhaps $500 or
| so would bring it well within the bounds of a book-publishing budget
| while discouraging frivolity.

I think that's a really excellent suggestion.  And the cost should
come out of the publisher, up front.


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