SAX: Status Report

Peter Murray-Rust peter at
Thu Jan 8 08:55:14 GMT 1998

At 21:06 07/01/98 -0500, David Megginson wrote:
>There is room for future interfaces to support authoring tools,
>repositories, and other tools that require access to non-structural
>lexical information like internal entity references and comments, but
>these are out of scope for the first round (right now we're looking,
>roughly, at an ESIS-level information set).  We could also consider
>adding an interface for DTD events after we've finished this round.

"ESIS-level" certainly appeals to me, and I like the way that DavidM has
allowed for immediate and future extensibility.  You can do a lot with ESIS
as Joe English showed with CoST.  And it's not too difficult to build trees
from such a level - this is what JUMBO does.  I think some of the current
discussion reflects what many of us feel is missing in ESIS [otherwise we
should simply build parsers directly with ESIS output :-)]

Can I assume that it is possible to create a full ESIS stream using SAX? If
not, I'd be slightly worried and would like to know what had been omitted.
[You can see I'm not an expert :-)].


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary

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