Licensing policies (was Re: ANN: Docuverse DOM SDK PR2 Released)

Peter Murray-Rust peter at
Mon Sep 7 22:20:39 BST 1998

At 19:36 05/09/98 -0700, Don Park wrote:
>Also, as of PR2, DOM SDK can be used for commercial purpose for free.  This
>change in licensing policy was made in response to numerous pleas,
>complaints, and comparisons to IBM's free commercial license for XML4J.
>Although comparing Docuverse to IBM is like comparing Tweety Bird to Dolly
>Parton IMHO, we thought the change was necessary to encourage development of
>DOM-based XML software.  In another word, we made a mistake when we
>restricted commercial use before.  Our appologies.

My sincere thanks for this change of policy. It can and will make an
enormous difference to many of us - otherwise we end up rewriting each
other's software. It is a courageous decision - as was IBM's - and should
be applauded.

I also think it will be a fruitful decision. I have been through the same
thoughts when people have asked whether they could distribute JUMBO in
their book/CDROM or whatever. I now have no problem with this, and am
looking at the GPL for this purpose [comments would be much appreciated.] I
think the quid-pro-quo would be to ask people to register their use with
you and you may well benefit from this.


>Don Park
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